Paper Impregnation

Flooring / Postforming
Our paper impregnation chemicals offer tailor-made solutions with a complete combination of resins, catalysts and additives, plus for an excellent cost/performance ratio.
Our portfolio of paper impregnation chemicals includes:
- UF and UF reinforced pre-impregnation resins.
- MF and PF impregnation resins.
- Catalysts.
- Moisturisers.
- Release agents.
- Anti-dust.
- UF and MF impregnation resins with low formaldehyde emission and low free melamine.
- Bleaching.
- Antistatic.
- Gloss Enhancer.
- Anti-scratch.
- Flame retardant.
- Plasticiser.
Our range of products and the advice of our technical staff allow us to offer the most suitable solutions for:
- White Paper.
- Decorative Paper.
- Kraft paper.
- Overlay.
- Flooring paper.
- Finish foil.
We also have patented bio-based and/or natural, ISCC+ and Cradle to Cradle certified solutions to provide solutions for this sector.

For more detailed and complete information, please contact our sales team.