Environment and leisure

At Foresa we have environmental solutions for application in various sectors. These are water-based products designed to reduce emissions in combustion engines, reduce dust and create spaces in green and leisure areas.
Greenfor Dust:
Patented by Foresa, this polymeric product is very effective for dust control, soil stabilisation or slope erosion protection.
In addition to being easy to apply and environmentally friendly, Greenfor Dust has innovative advantages:
- It consolidates the ground and reinforces the surface, facilitating the circulation of people and light vehicles.
- Reduces the impact of dust on industrial installations such as solar parks or cooling towers, plantations, etc., thus improving the performance and effectiveness of the equipment.
- Minimises the effects of slope erosion. Improves the quality of temporary infrastructures such as service roads, avoiding the use of products that are more aggressive for the environment.
- Improves the quality of the environment in areas where dust is formed by vehicle traffic or bulk and powder handling.
For more information you can visit greenfordust.com or download our brochure here.

Choosing Foresa as a supplier of methanol for biodiesel means opting for high quality, reliable and sustainable products for:
- Meet international emission reduction targets.
- Decrease dependence on fossil fuels.
- Encourage the transition to a low-carbon economy.
- Promote the use of renewable energies.
This range of adhesives from Foresa allows you to fix aggregates, plant coverings and other decorative elements so that they maintain their fixation and consistency in landscaped areas, roundabouts, parks, etc. It is easy to handle and is compatible with universal paint dyes.
The GlueGarden range consists of:
- GLUE GARDEN: Solution for fixing aggregates in the garden.
- GLUE GARDEN PLUS: Solution for fixing the most demanding aggregates.
- GLUE GARDEN 50M: Solution for fixing mulch.
We also have demanding bio-based and/or natural patented solutions, ISCC+ and Cradle to Cradle certified, to provide solutions for this sector.

For more detailed and complete information, please contact our sales team.